October 27, 2011

Music Party Games! | Soundtracking Your Own Revenge Fantasy

I recently listened to an audio clip from actress, producer, writer, comedian and future wife Mindy Kaling's new book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (available November 1, 2011). In the audiobook excerpt posted online, Kaling talks about how the only way she can motivate herself to exercise is to create elaborate revenge fantasies in her mind while running on her treadmill.

October 12, 2011

Rising | Three Indie Chicks You'll be Hearing in 2012 (If the World Doesn't End)

We all know now that the world WILL NOT end in 2012. Contrary to popular belief, the earth WILL NOT be splitting open, there will be NO fiery chasms in the middle of Toronto's streets, John Cusack's screams WILL NOT be the soundtrack to the end of the world, and giant computer generated tidal waves WILL NOT be knocking out any monastery's or lone monks waiting for death ANY TIME SOON.

You can all relax.